Menopause & How Our Blood Test Can Help?

Blood tests are a great way to help diagnose a whole range of health issues in our bodies. These insights allow doctors to track your health and identify problems before they become major concerns. Can a blood test help you with menopause, though? We thought we would take a closer look…

What is menopause?

In the UK, the average age for menopause to begin is 51. Although many women can experience this earlier or later in life, it will typically be between the ages of 45 and 55. Menopause marks the end of a woman’s menstrual cycle and can cause a range of symptoms, including:

  • Hot flashes
  • Chills
  • Night Sweats
  • Trouble with sleep
  • Mood changes
  • Weigh gain
  • Thinning hair
  • Vaginal dryness

Symptoms can vary differently between women, and they can last for a few months or for several years.

How is menopause typically diagnosed?

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms alongside irregular periods, then it could be an indication that the menopause has started. Anyone with any concerns should consult with their doctor as it may be an indication of health issues.

Can a blood test help with menopause?

A blood test can be a helpful way to understand whether the symptoms you are experiencing are due to the menopause or are the result of something else, such as a thyroid condition. However, it can also be used to help those women whose mothers or sisters experienced early menopause to understand whether they may also be effected.

Menopause can significantly impact your mental and physical wellbeing, and a blood test can help you to get a clear understanding of your body and how it is being impacted. This test can help with:

  • Understanding your health markers including those that support bone health, as well as hormones such as follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), oestrogen and testosterone.
  • Testing and tracking these biomarkers over periods of time so you can see at what stage of the transition you are in, and how lifestyle changes can improve your bone and heart health.
  • Measuring your thyroid hormone levels, allowing you to identify how they could be impacting your mood and symptoms.

Will you need Hormone Replacement Therapy?

With your blood test allowing you to identify how your body’s hormones are reacting to menopause, it will enable doctors to understand your requirements. Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is a popular treatment, helping to replace the decreasing levels of key hormones such as oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone.

This treatment can come in a range of treatments, including skin patches, lotions, tablets and implants. These can help to reduce the most common symptoms of menopause, including mood swings, night sweats and hot flushes, while supporting your overall bone health.

There are various pros and cons that can come from Hormone Replacement Therapy, and patients should always discuss it with their doctor before starting.

Our Menopause Blood Test?

We have developed a test for menopause which combines a Thyroid and a Hormone panel. The test checks hormone levels that change during menopause, as well as biomarkers key to Thyroid health. This menopause test is for women at various stages of menopause. The hormonal health panel includes 8 bio-markers including oestradiol and the thyroid Health panel includes five bio-markers. Click here to book the test today.

If you are looking to gather insight into your health, then JACE Medical is here to help you. We offer an extensive array of blood testing services from our private clinic, helping to address your concerns and give you complete peace of mind about your health.

We are dedicated to giving our patients the very best private medical care possible, so if you want to find out how we can help you, get in touch today!


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