
Mr Kieran Lappin

Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon 

MB BCh BAO MPhil FRCS(Tr&Orth)


Mr Lappin provides a comprehensive service in the North West offering clinical assessment and treatment options for common hand, wrist and elbow orthopaedic conditions.

A Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, Mr Lappin completed his medical degree at Queen’s University of Belfast. He joined the Northern Ireland surgical rotation after completing his degree, where he gained experience in various surgical specialties before ultimately choosing to pursue a career in Trauma and Orthopaedics.

Mr Lappin went on to complete a Masters of Philosophy in Perthes’ disease, a childhood hip disease, before embarking on a five-year Trauma and Orthopaedic training program.

Prior to his current position, Mr Lappin spent a year at Wrightington Hospital, a well-regarded upper limb unit in Lancashire, England, where he gained experience in cutting-edge upper limb surgical techniques under the guidance of Professor John Stanley and his team.

In 2006, Mr Lappin returned to Northern Ireland and took up the position of Trauma and Orthopaedic Consultant Surgeon in Altnagelvin Hospital. Over the past 16 years, he has gained invaluable experience in his specialty, focusing on upper limb surgery, and has worked in both the NHS and private sectors. Mr Lappin also served as the clinical lead for Trauma & Orthopaedics in the Western Trust for almost eight years.

Surgery To Treat


Carpal tunnel

Trigger finger

Dupuytren contracture



Skiers thumb (UCL)

Cubital tunnel syndrome



De Quervain’s syndrome

Scaphoid non-union




Tennis elbow

Golders elbow

Cubital tunnel syndrome



Surgical Services

 for Hand, Wrist and Elbow

Medical Services

You have the option to be referred to our outpatient clinic at JACE Medical, Greysteel through your GP or to self-refer. Upon arrival, a comprehensive medical history and physical examination will be performed to evaluate your condition. If required, additional tests such as X-rays, CT scans, MRI scans, and Nerve Conduction Studies can be arranged. For some conditions, a steroid injection may be administered as the initial treatment during this visit.

Surgical Services

In some cases, a surgical procedure may be necessary to treat your condition. Local anesthesia (freezing of the skin) can be used to perform certain upper limb procedures, but general anesthesia may be required for more extensive procedures. The majority of patients will be discharged on the same day. If you need surgery, it will be conducted at JACE Medical, Greysteel.

Patient Care

Undergoing a surgical procedure can be a stressful experience for many patients. As a medical professional, Mr Lappin is approachable and he aims to make you feel at ease during both the clinical consultation and surgical procedure. Mr Lappin will explain your condition and treatment plan in simple terms to ensure that you are fully informed before your surgery.


Register Your Interest For Surgery

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